Posted in learning, musings

Notes on iPhone Upgrade

I have upgraded from iPhone 5.1 to 5.1.1 (jail broken). One big relief for me is that it is an untethered jail break. So, if the iPhone dies because of low battery, then plug it in to a socket and switch it on. No need to carry redsn0w (and the laptop) everywhere we go.

When I was upgrading, I found one strange thing. Whenever we build custom IPSW, it asks whether we have old or new bootrom. Based on the serial information, mine is an old boot rom, but apparently it is not so. redsn0w showed it as new BR. However, I still went ahead and built the IPSW with old BR. When I upgraded iPhone with that IPSW, I found that the iPhone did not come up properly. In fact, it was getting into DFU mode everytime we switch it off. Since I was on tethered boot anyway, it made things a bit simpler for me. I could boot faster with redsn0w. 🙂 Then I built the IPSW with new BR and things worked like a charm. Now I have a iPhone 5.1.1.

One other important thing for me is find out is why my iphone is draining battery like crazy. I have not been good at maintaining an optimum battery recharge cycle because of the tethered boot requirement – whenever I go out of station, I get pessimistic and recharge. Now that I am on untethered boot, I will have to stick to a better/effective battery recharge cycle. Will have to do some research on that front. Also, will post

For a while, I have been stumbling into “Dont give up” principle successfully. This upgrade, cracking the password of one of the laptops (it was forgotten), learning some things etc. brings home the same lesson – “DONT GIVE UP”.

One other important lesson that comes home, besides the one above, is “Dont fear for failure”. The more we try and more we fail, the more we are close to success. If we dont try and fail, we are more close to failure than success. 🙂

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